The nearest international airport to Lucerne is Zürich Airport. During the day, direct trains from Zürich Airport run to Lucerne . Direct trains run every 30-minutes from Zurich main train station.
Lucerne is well connected by train to other parts of Switzerland. Regular trains arrive in Lucerne from Zürich Zug, Berne Rapperswil St Gallen and Geneva . More detailed schedule information is available from the Swiss Federal Railway website.
Lucerne is on the north end of the Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lucerne), one of the busiest waterways in Switzerland. Travel and information and schedules from other lakeside towns can be found on the Schifffahrt Vierwaldstättersee (Lake Lucerne Boat Company).
European tourism and rail organisations - a quick reference - A reference guide to European tourism and rail organisations
Why chase solar eclipses? - Why I chase total solar eclipse all over the world
Lucerne - a short history of The Lion Monument - A brief history of the Lion Monument in Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne - 7 things not to miss - What not to miss in Lucerne
Lucerne - getting around - How to get around Lucerne in central Switzerland
Berne Münster (Cathedral) - a brief history - A brief history of the Cathedral in the UNESCO-protected old town of Berne
Zürich - a brief history of Grossmünster - A brief history of the distinctive twin-spired Grossmünster in Zürich
Eclipse Websites - A selection of websites with information about total solar eclipses
Switzerland - places not to miss - Sixteen places not to miss around Switzerland
Italy - 10 places not to miss - 10 places you shouldn't miss in Italy
Mark Sukhija is a travel and wine blogger, photographer, tourism researcher, hat-touting, white-shirt-wearing, New Zealand fantatic and eclipse chaser. Aside from at least annual visits to New Zealand, Mark has seen eclipses in South Australia (2002), Libya (2006), China (2009) and Queensland (2012). After twelve years in Switzerland, Mark moved back to London in 2012. You can follow Mark on Twitter or Facebook