Zürich has a rather odd mix of the annual traditional festivals like Sechseleuten to techno-loving Street Parade through to the very popular trienniel Zuerifaescht. But that does mean that there's something for everyone.
Knabenschiessen -
Knabenschiessen is a three-day annual shooting competition
for Zürcher boys - the winner of which is crowned
Schützenkönig ("Shooting King") for
the year. For those less interested in shooting, it's
also a great excuse for a fun fayre with all sorts of
rides and games to be had for all ages. September.
Sechseleuten - Annual procession of the Zunft ("Guilds") through Zürich culminating in the burning of the Böögg - aka Mr Winter. On the dot of 6 O'Clock, the Böögg is set alight and according to legend, the quicker the Böögg burns, the hotter summer will be. Fun procession in traditional costume even if the Böögg isn't that accurate weather-wise! April.
Dörfli Fäscht - Live music, acts and bars through the cobbeldy streets and squares of Niederdorf district of Zürich . Fun and loud. August.
Caliente - The largest celebration of Latin-American culture in the German speaking world. A large selection of bands and musical styles around Helvetiaplatz and the Langstrasse areas of Zürich June/July.
Streetparade -
largest and most outrageous event with 20-something "love-mobiles" blaring
out techno and dance music through the city - each love-mobile
sporting a selection of scantily clad people aboard.
A major competitor to the now defunct "Love Parade" in
party-people from across
for this annual three day event. Popular
with part people, gays and persons with a penchant for
being scantily or outrageously clad.
as you've
never seen it before. August.
Expovina - Each year 12 ships and boats which usually ply Lake Zürich are moored at Bürkliplatz for an annual Wine Exposition. Importers, dealers and traders from all over Switzerland come to ply their wares - providing an excellent oppurtunity to sample a wide range of wines. November
Langstrassenfest - Open air festival in the Zürich red-light district. Food stalls and a fun-fayre sit alongside bars with people spilling out into the streets. A heady cocktail of assorted foods, fun and an all round happening atmosphere. Next Langstrassenfest: August 2014.
Zuerifaescht - Tri-annual festival which encompasses the whole of Zürich city. Food stalls, street entertainment and a plethora of rides ensure a good time for all. Two nights of fireworks over the lake set to music - one evening to classical music and one to popular music - are must sees but get there early to secure a good vantage point on the waterfront. Next Zuerifaescht: July 2016.
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Mark Sukhija is a travel and wine blogger, photographer, tourism researcher, hat-touting, white-shirt-wearing, New Zealand fantatic and eclipse chaser. Aside from at least annual visits to New Zealand, Mark has seen eclipses in South Australia (2002), Libya (2006), China (2009) and Queensland (2012). After twelve years in Switzerland, Mark moved back to London in 2012. You can follow Mark on Twitter or Facebook